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Element-UI El-Table: Problem With Expandable Rows Being Used Together With Fixed Columns

The Table component from Element (el-table) is very versatile in displaying tabulated data, with advanced functions such as fixed columns and expandable rows. However, the two don’t seem work well together.


When a row is expanded, the expanded area takes the width of the whole table content, including the width of the columns partially or fully hidden behind the fixed columns, if the table is too wide for the screen. More over, if contents like a paragraph is displayed, the “head” and “tail” of each row will be fixed inside the fixed columns, whereas you have to scroll left and right to view the majority of the content. I am not sure whether there is any use case for this; but personally I think that it will make more sense if the expanded area is not affected by the fixed columns, taking the width of the actual el-table DOM element, and always display above other elements/ (/i.e./ the borders of the fixed columns should not cut through the expanded area).

By analyzing the compiled HTML, I realized that the el-table realizes the fixed columns by duplicating the whole table body. If you have columns fixed at both left and right sides, the table will be duplicated for three times: one for the fixed columns on the left side, one for the main table contents, and one for the fixed columns on the right side. Unused columns for the <table> used for fixed columns are given a is-hidden class attribute. This is a genius but a rather expensive operation though.

Unsurprisingly, the expanded rows are also duplicated three times in the case with fixed columns at both sides. It is indeed a <td> element with colspan equal to the total number of columns. That explains why one expanded row is shown up at 3 places.

I would like to solve this problem (at least making it suitable for my use case) and try not to directly modifying the source code for el-table (as a beginner, I have no confidence of doing so).


Eventually, I managed to have some way to work around it. This is not a perfect way though.

What I need to do includes the following:

  • Try to bring the expanded areas to top levels without being blocked by the fixed columns (directly manipulating z-index?)
  • Let the width of the expanded area be the same as the el-table <div>.

The manipulating of z-index works (I simply set it to 999 for demo purpose, and this should work for most cases and will not obstruct is a modal is applied, /e.g./, where there is a Dialog triggered); but getting the correct width is not easy. The use of <td> inside a <table> making it rather difficult to manipulating the width of that <td> alone without affecting other elements inside this <table> (or rather, these three <table> elements).

I have to think of a workaround. Instead of manipulating the <td> itself, it would be easier if I create a wrapper <div> inside the <td>, and do everything to the wrapper <div>. In this way, I only need do the following to the CSS of the <td> of the expanded row:

.el-table__expanded-cell {
	z-index: 999;
	padding: 0;

The z-index is what I have mentioned just now to bring it to front; I also override the padding, as originally, it have a default padding: 20px 50px. I would rather control it in my wrapper later.

Now we have yet to deal with the width. You will notice that the expanded area are too wide, which you may have to scroll left and right to pan through rows of contents. Since the content is now inside the wrapper (here I name it expand-area-wrapper), I just need assign a width to the wrapper. As I have set the padding of .el-table__expanded-cell to 0, I simply need make it equal to theclientWidth of el-table <div>.

To achieve this, I need know whether there is a row expanded, what rows are expanded /etc./ Therefore, in <el-table>, I have included the following:


The tableData is the data Array I feed to the el-table. getRowKeys is a function to return the key of the row with the input of a row, where each element in tableData is an Object of the row.

getRowKeys (row) {
    return row.key

I have a key prop assigned to each row as a unique identifier of rows. You may use another property, as long as it is unique to each row.

The expands is an Array to hold the keys to the rows that are expanded.

However, the prop expand-row-keys is only useful to display the expanded rows based on its value expands at initialization. Any show / hide of expanded rows thereafter will not have any effect to expands. Therefore, we need manually update the expands in handleExpand method.

The expand event passes two arguments: row, and the expand status of that row. If it is now expanded, expanded is true, and vice versa.

Here is the handleExpand method for expand event:

handleExpand (row, expanded) {
    if (expanded) {
        if (!this.expands.includes(row.key))
        } else {
          this.expands.splice(this.expands.indexOf(row.key), 1)

When adding a new row.key to expands, it is recommended to check duplication, as in rare cases, duplicates may occur, which will result in bizarre behavior of the table.

Now we are ready to tackle the problem of the width. As the number of expanded rows changes at the time when an expand event is triggered, we can do it in handleExpand method.

handleExpand (row, expanded) {
    ... // continue from previous code block
    this.$nextTick(function () {
        if (this.expands.length > 0) {
            let elems = document.getElementsByClassName('el-table__expanded-cell')
            for (let elem of Array.from(elems)) {
                elem.firstChild.style.width = this.$refs.demo2.$el.clientWidth + 'px'

Vue $nextTick is necessary as we need do it asynchronously. We get the DOM elements of class el-table__expanded-cell, and select its firstChild (or you can do it via its class name expand-area-wrapper. As this is a customized wrapper div , you may have a different class name.) Please note that the value returned by getElementsByClassName is an HTMLCollection, and you need use Array.from to make it an array. Then you are able to set the width of the wrapper div based on the clientWidth of el-table (I added a ref to el-table named “demo2”, so that I can reference it via $refs.demo2 in the code).

Manipulating the width itself is not sufficient. For now, the wrapper div will always stay at the very left. You can add a padding to the wrapper so that the contents inside will look normal though:

.el-table__expanded-cell .expand-area-wrapper {
    padding: 20px 50px;

However, in the case of a horizontal scroll bar appears, the wrapper div will move together with its parent (In fact, it’s the first el-table__body-wrapper). We can apply a margin to the left, but it needs change dynamically with the scrollbar position. Therefore, we need add a listener to it.

To make life easier, I created a computed variable for the DOM element where the scrollbar applies:

computed: {
    scrollTargetElem: function () {
        let targetTable = this.$refs.demo2
        if (this.loaded && targetTable)
            return targetTable.$el.getElementsByClassName('el-table__body-wrapper')[0]

In methods, I have the following listener:

scrollEventHandler (ev) {
    if (this.scrollTargetElem) {
        let elems = this.scrollTargetElem.getElementsByClassName('el-table__expanded-cell')
        for (let elem of Array.from(elems)) {
            elem.firstChild.style.marginLeft = this.scrollTargetElem.scrollLeft + 'px'

The listener needs to be added or removed when there is an expand event. Therefore for the handleExpand method:

handleExpand (row, expanded) {
    if (expanded) {
        if (!this.expands.includes(row.key)) this.expands.push(row.key)
    } else {
        this.expands.splice(this.expands.indexOf(row.key), 1)
    this.$nextTick(function () {
        let target = this.scrollTargetElem
        if (target) {
            if (this.expands.length > 0) {
                let elems = document.getElementsByClassName('el-table__expanded-cell')
                for (let elem of Array.from(elems)) {
                    elem.firstChild.style.width = this.$refs.demo2.$el.clientWidth + 'px'
                    elem.firstChild.style.marginLeft = target.scrollLeft + 'px'
              target.addEventListener('scroll', this.scrollEventHandler, false)
            } else {
                target.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scrollEventHandler, false)

In short, the following has been added to handleExpand:

  • Initialize the margin-left for the wrapper div:
elem.firstChild.style.marginLeft = target.scrollLeft + 'px'
  • Add and remove the listeners depending on whether there are any expanded rows (expands.length).

Where for the scrollEventHandler :

scrollEventHandler (ev) {
    if (this.scrollTargetElem) {
        let elems = this.scrollTargetElem.getElementsByClassName('el-table__expanded-cell')
        for (let elem of Array.from(elems)) {
            elem.firstChild.style.marginLeft = this.scrollTargetElem.scrollLeft + 'px'

Till now, most problems are solved. There is only one issue. If your table is not set as fixed width (/e.g./ style="width: 100%;"), when your browser window is resized, the wrapper div width needs change as well, but there is no watcher on the window resize event.

I imported vue-resize-directive as a directive, and created the following onResize method:

onResize (ev) {
    if (this.expands.length > 0) {
        let elems = document.getElementsByClassName('el-table__expanded-cell')
        let width = ev.clientWidth
        for (let elem of Array.from(elems)) {
            elem.firstChild.style.width = width + 'px'

In <el-table>, add the following:


Now the problem solved, though it is not a perfect solution. Here is the JSFiddle for it:

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